domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011



Certain people believe technology serves us as a utensil, a mere artifact that works for us, just as an employee or a slave. Personally I believe we´ve created a machine that suddenly will dehumanize men, which will someday murder us until none of us survive.  As a derivate of technology, we have cloning, the act by which we can identically reproduce a person. This subject has become a huge conflict in between people, a meeting point in which a lot of minds don’t coincide.
In my opinion, I believe cloning is a very sensitive and complicated subject to talk about. On one side, this process involves the destruction of identity from an individual. It cr3eates creatures out of the natural process; what I mean by this is the natural way, the way we all were born. Also, I think cloning will alter the world´s order, people would e too similar (if cloning is in big quantities, as in Brave New World), and this will cause a lot of conflicts. Mainly because I’m one of those who believes that people with too similar characters tend to fight and disagree the most.
On the other hand, cloning would be beneficial to humanity in different ways. First of all, to cure sickness. Cloning could be used on certain kinds of human cells and regenerate some tissues that could´ve been damaged by certain diseases or substances. For example to regenerate liver cells damaged by alcohol, lungs cells damaged by tobacco, etc. another beneficial characteristic is maybe that work and activities would be easier to perform, mainly because the more people involved in a task, the faster the work gets done.
Either way, I think if I was the one to decide if cloning was or was not permitted I would say no. principally, because I believe we should allow humanity to progress in a natural way, and who am I to decide the way we should or should not live; we shouldn’t interfere with this. Also, we are individuals, and as the word says it, we are one and created to be so. Identity would be completely lost if cloning was permitted, so as identity is what defines us, makes us interesting or hated by others, it makes us different we should not lose this beautiful uniqueness that we all have. Without identity in my opinion we would be lost, without it, the world would be a complete chaos.

Cloning: A Good Choice or a Strategy

“For in reason, all government
Without the consent of the governed
Is the very definition of slavery”
Jonathan Swift

Today, cloning is a polemic theme that goes against a diverse number of institutions among the world. To understand correctly what is cloning, it’s important to know its definition: “cloning is the process of making a genetically identically copy of someone by replacing the nucleus of unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism” ( There are many arguments that are in agreement or in disagreement in cloning, although it is an important achievement of science. But even it’s a huge achievement of science cloning is a way of playing with life and playing to be God. By the way, making identical babies all time, avoid the creation of good mutations in humans preventing difference and evolution. However, this important discovery could be an advantage to science to develop new treatments in medicine, discover the human genome, find new vaccines, and new techniques. Anyway, the clones that will be used to make these experiments are alive and it is very sadistic to use them only for experiments.

Cloning is a destructive form because everything would be the same and there will be no difference among the world. If humans insist in cloning themselves the world would become as the one shown in the book “Brave New World” that everybody is the same, think the same, their physical appearance is the same, and human beings are born to make a specific function in the society. Cloning, according to the book, it’s a strategy to maintain control over human beings, so that every human has no personality, no revolutionary ideas to go against the party or society and create disorder. If cloning became an important way of life, human beings could became as robots, because everybody would be the same and designed to be equal without emotions, feelings and pleasures. Cloning human beings, takes away the ability to create new personalities toward every human being. By the other hand, this goes against institutions because human plays to be God, because human beings think that they are such important to create or destroy life.  As above, also cloning could be an excellent way to make scientific developments because cloning an organ could help to make transplants more successfully without the risk that the body rejects the organ. By the other hand, cloning is an advantage to find new treatments in medicine, new vaccines and new antibiotics to conserve life.

In conclusion, cloning has advantages and disadvantages according to the perspective that the person has. The advantages are in science because it could help to make scientific advances in every area. And the disadvantages, is that the human could became a robot, and if human take cloning as a way of life that would make that society has control over all human beings. Cloning, according to the book is a strategy of control over people because every test tube baby has come to world with a specific obligation. By the other hand, cloning is a way to take off freedom and the developing of personality.


Revolution of cloning.

Cloning is great. If God made the original,
then making copies should be fine.
Doug Coupland.
From my point of view I support cloning.

As the prime reason, I do not see cloning as a method of mass reproduction, I see as way of improving the breed human, a tool to reach the perfection of human beings, with this way of reproduction, maybe could be avoided hereditary diseases, malformations and defects races come from the ancestors. Cloning could be an instrument of reproduction that prevents sexual transmission diseases, assuming that the somatic cells is removed and so there are no contacts of infected individuals and so to have a society without-infectious disease risks and anticipate bringing children into the world as carriers of disease.

Cloning could be a method of improving the breed, not like Hitler, that has the idea of ​​pure races and with this discriminate certain people, but could create hierarchies like those of the book Brave New world, alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon; creating forces with special people with the perfect qualities for the mission, for example special forces to combat the groups outside the government or gangs. Likewise with cloning we maybe could have the possibility to take the good genes of some people and with this improve the human race.

Finally, for these reasons I agree with cloning as well as being of improve the breed, another point, could be a way to create an order for forces with the correct personal, and finally know better our organization, management and help that brings to society our DNA. 

Control does not mean order.

“What man has joined,
nature is powerless to put asunder."
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Ch. 2

From my principles, I really do not support government control in certain fields, for example on issues of sexuality and reproduction, but I do believe that there should be some control on the issue of drugs and some planning on the issue of reproduction in society.

Primarily I think that sexuality is an issue that belongs to each person, if they choice having sex with a man or a woman this decision will be make it by principles that person believes, so would be hard to the government make it a control over the issue of sexuality, this all belongs to a believes and the like of each the person. Also I am not agree that anyone tell to another person with who they most have sexual intercourse, that is a really important and personal decision, therefore if the government try to control this, the people begin to find the way to have sexual encounters with the people that they like it.

Next with issue of reproduction I think that a good control of the birth rate would help to the government to plan how the state must be prepared to help the families and areas related to education, the country space, food, and that the individual does not become a burden to the country. But also I don’t support the idea to control how many times people could have sex or how many babies per families they can have; this is a personal and a family decision, any way they know how they would take care of the baby.

Finally I agree that the government control drugs, this a good way to prevent vices in the society, also the consequences that will eventually produce drugs are changing the behavior of the person, people is not able to work at their full capacity and they lose their mental capacity to be in contact with the society. So I agree that government controls all the issue of drugs since the allow drugs like antiallergic to heroin. 

In conclusion government can control some point of quotidian life but nor every single part of the personal life, some decision could be some decisions can be guided, but others are personal which limits the pressure that government try to make over this, but not leaving behind I agree with the control that government exerts over drugs. 

Dystopia in Aldous Huxley’s view

        It's hard to imagine yet somehow so extremely close to us is the
possibility of a world of ideal perfection where there is no room or acceptance of individuality.  Yet, as we strive towards the growth of technology and improvement of our daily living we come closer to closing ,the gap between the freedom of emotions, self understanding, and of speechand the devastation of a dystopia A utopia, or perfect world, gone awryis displayed Aldous Huxley’s provocative novel Brave New World.

Dystopia is drawn on "political and emotional events, anchoring its vision of a nightmarish future in contemporary fears of totalitarian ideology and uncontrolled advances in technology and science" It is the situation that costs a piece of an unhealthy environment for human beings, is the theme of the novel.  The dystopian setting is brought about by technology and by higher authorities.  As technology increases, the use for human beings in the work force decreases leaving an overwhelming amount of depression among humans. 

Therefore, a way to continue the production of technological findings is by bringing up humans from day one to accept their unhappiness as normal.  By "breeding" human beings to accept the fact that they are born to do a specific group.  Higher authorities know the llimination of humans' emotions is useful to stabilize what they think to be a utopian society.  Huxley portrays a "perfect dystopia" where scientists "breed people to order" in a specific class.  The purpose of this paper is to shows that Aldous Huxley clearly introduces a river of cases and incidences, which adds to the dystopia in his science fiction novel Brave New World.

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