domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


John: he is the son of the Director and Linda and was conceived in the new world, but was born in the reservation. Lives outside the world state (New Mexico Savage Reservation) for his first 20 years of life, and he always says he is unable to fit as an individual from the word state. He reads Shakespeare and his life is pretty much based on what this famous author says. He is like a savage, and his cultural background resembles ours. He escapes the reservation thinking that the brave new world is marvelous, but when he gets to the world state he thinks of it as an immoral place, where people are being dehumanized and degraded. Living in this world, he decides he needs to go back to that place of tranquility and solitude, so finds a home away from the city, but then people disturbed him, and as he is so desperate to live in a peaceful place and isn’t able to do so, he commits suicide.

Bernard Marx: he is a small, non popular Alpha male, because of his height, he has an inferiority complex. He feels like an outsider to World State for the same reason as before, and he is always ridiculed by his other alpha mates, except by Helmholtz Watson which is his only friend.  For that reason is more self-conscious and more of an individual than other citizens of the World State. This outsider status and individuality allows Bernard both to recognize and criticize the flaws of the World State. But his inferiority complex also makes him defensive, resentful, jealous, cowardly, and quick to boast. He is individualistic compared to the other people (most of all because he has been treated as an outsider), which leads him to defy somehow the rules of the state. The Director of Hatcheries kind of knows the way Bernard is, and threatens to exile him to Iceland. In Iceland, he meets Linda and John on the Savage Reservation and learns that John is Tomakin's son. Bernard then makes a plan to take John and Linda back to London. Bernard kind of becomes john´s guardian, and due to his superiority complex after he is doing all of this stuff with John, he starts to criticize the new society, but as he can’t change it or be heard, he decides to leave the new world and to an isolated rebel island with his only friend.

Mustapha Mond: he is one of the ten controllers of the new world, therefore hi is an intelligent and learned person. He is a physicist who after his work was discovered, decided to become a world controller instead of being exiled. He knows the brave new world isn’t perfect, but still accepts it for the benefit of social stability. He thinks human emotions are not a basis of science and world order (opposite of john´s thoughts), but still keeps a collection of forbidden literature in his safe, including Shakespeare and religious writings. He knows truth is good, but still holds happiness and stability in a higher place of importance.

Linda: she is John’s mother, and she is a Beta-Minus. She was visiting the reservation, and she got pregnant of the director. During a storm, she got lost, suffered a head injury and was left behind. She was found by a group of Indians who brought her to their village, when the baby was born, she was embarrassed and so decided to stay at the reservation. She is a very social woman, an example of Brave New World’s women, promiscuous and influenced by drugs and the lack of emotions. Bernard, finds an opportunity in her, and asks for permission to take her back to the new world, with the excuse that it would be for scientific study. She then returns to London, but she doesn’t feel happy, and she is rejected somehow because of her new ways, that although unnoticeable for her, they are noticeable to others. She then drugs herself into a permanent soma-stupor until she dies.

Helmholtz Watson: he is an alpha male, and Bernard’s only and loyal friend. He is "every centimeter an Alpha-plus", contrary to Marx, which is a failed alpha male. He gets always what he wants (women, power, professional achievements), but he is also a rebel, and thinks that the things people do in the new world are insignificant, empty and meaningless, and that why he feels his writing ability could be used for better things. His criticism of the new society is better than the one of Bernard, in the way that his are not just complaints but he actually has some philosophical bases for his critics. Helmholtz befriends john, and both of them together, question the Controller.

Lenina Crowne:  she is a vaccination worker at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. She is very desirable (actually Bernard and John kind of fall for her), and is attracted to Bernard, and passionate about John.  She is an unorthodox, intelligent woman, but still she has fallen for the state´s philosophies; maybe she hasn’t fall for them, but has decided to be a “silent member of the social stability”. After dating Foster for a long time, she decides she has to start looking for other men, that’s when she starts to like Bernard. She is the one to go with Bernard to the reservation where they meet John and Linda. As she is unable to understand human emotions, and savage people, she is frustrated that John cants see in her what everyone else does: her beautifulness. Somehow she contributes to the suicide of John, because she made him think of her as a desire, and he thought it was evil to think of her like that.

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